Tune in every Monday at 3 to “The Swing” as Brandon Da Ponte and Jacob Goldbach hit the sweet spot between local, national, and global sports.
They’ll discuss all of the important and relevant topics within the world of professional sport giving you a wide range of insights from acclaimed analysts across the industry. You’ll get your weekly dose of your favourite teams as they dive into the latest local sports talk when it comes to the teams broadcasted right here on Sauga 960. Plus, the boys will also help you out with your bets in Best Bets of the Week.
It’s fast-paced, informative, entertaining, and you won’t want to miss it. So, let’s get into the swing of things.

Brandon has been a very talkative guy since a young age, but especially when it comes to his passion: sports. He started dreaming of a career in sports media after becoming amazed by the cut-throat, blunt, honest style of Don Cherry during “Coach’s Corner.” As a kid, he would talk to whoever he could about the sports he loves, especially soccer. If no one listened, he would pretend he was on his own sports talk show and there was an imaginary audience in front of him, haha!
Brandon would go on to learn all the skills and knowledge of the radio industry while attending Humber College’s highly acclaimed Radio Broadcasting program. He would excel in the program and graduate with honours. He would get his first job in the industry while landing an internship with Evanov Radio Group as part of their Street Team.
As mentioned Brandon is a very passionate man about his soccer. He loves watching soccer no matter where it is being played. Brandon is a huge supporter of his favourite club, Benfica, and the country of his background, Portugal. You can also hear him talk about soccer on his very own podcast: “A Kick About Podcast.”
Brandon is pumped to join the Sauga 960 AM family as their news anchor, Content Producer of “The Richard Syrett Show” and now as the host of “The Swing,” the all-around sports-themed radio show. His dream job is to one day commentate live soccer matches from across the world.

Jacob loves everything sport. In the summer you can find him on the baseball diamond and on the links. In the winter you’ll find him skiing black diamonds and in rinks.
When his dream of being a pro athlete died, his desire to work in sports led him to the RTA: Sport Media program at X University (Ryerson).
Shortly after graduating he landed at Sauga 960. Now he co-hosts “The Swing,” Mondays from 3-4 PM. You can also hear him occasionally on the broadcasts for the Mississauga Steelheads. His passion and knowledge of all things sport is apparent in his analytical and entertaining broadcasting style.
Guest Directory

Tuesdays 4:48pm
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Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism
Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos

Tuesdays 4:48pm
This is front side content.
Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism
Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos

Tuesdays 4:48pm
This is front side content.
Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism
Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos

Tuesdays 4:48pm
This is front side content.
Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism
Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos