Spill the Tea

Guest Directory

Tuesdays 4:48pm
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Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism
Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos https://newtube.app/user/TonyHeller

Tuesdays 4:48pm
This is front side content.
Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism
Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos https://newtube.app/user/TonyHeller

Tuesdays 4:48pm
This is front side content.
Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism
Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos https://newtube.app/user/TonyHeller

Tuesdays 4:48pm
This is front side content.
Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism
Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos https://newtube.app/user/TonyHeller