NewsTalk Sauga960 AM



If you’ve ever considered signing up for yoga classes at a specific studio in Vaughan, interrupted someone by yelling out the word “What?” after each short phrase, made a joke about only being able to see a floating baseball cap, t-shirt and jean shorts, or smelled what was cookin’, you’re probably someone who has enjoyed the world of professional wrestling.

Ringside Heat is the ONLY wrestling show on the GTA radio airwaves. We give our fair and honest opinions on what’s happening in the major leagues of professional wrestling. We will also give a voice to those in the local wrestling scene, local podcasters, musicians and others who make the GTA one of the best markets to experience pro wrestling in all of North America.

So raise your index fingers in the air and yell out “Yes!” and tune in to Ringside Heat Wednesdays @ 2 PM and Sundays at 7 PM!

Hosted by Lex Tan.



Ever since the age of 4 when his parents introduced a karaoke machine to him, Lex Tan has been in love with the microphone. From there, he was inspired to sing, learn piano, guitar, ukulele and several other instruments, as well as catching the acting and theatre bug. After years of working as a musician and theatre professional, broadcasting and media got into his blood and he went back to school and getting a post-grad certificate at Humber College’s Broadcasting program. It was there he learned the ropes of radio, and got his feet wet as a Play-by-Play and Colour commentator, taking home the Sportsnet 590 The Fan Scholarship for excellence in Sports Broadcasting.

He landed his first job in the media as an on-location broadcast tech and on-site promotions coordinator at Z1035, and is currently on-air as a traffic reporter who has appeared on 30 stations across Southern Ontario, as well as being a swing airborne traffic reporter for Global News.

Lex is thrilled to join the Sauga 960 AM family as their midday news anchor, and now as the host of Ringside Heat, the new wrestling-themed radio show. His dream job is to one day call Play-by-Play for a major sports team or league and envisions the day he’ll be at ringside calling the main event at WrestleMania.

Guest Directory

Tuesdays 4:48pm

This is front side content.

Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism

Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos

Tuesdays 4:48pm

This is front side content.

Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism

Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos

Tuesdays 4:48pm

This is front side content.

Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism

Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos

Tuesdays 4:48pm

This is front side content.

Pushing Back Against Climate Change Alarmism

Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the offiical narrative concerning man-made global warming.
Twitter: @Tony_Hellerwww.realclimatescience.comVideos

Event Timeslots

Event Timeslots

2:00-3:00 pm


Event Timeslots

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Encore


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